Funeral Tribute by Paul Thaxter, CMS

Created by kip 8 years ago
It is a privilege to represent CMS and honour Revd. Dr Joyce Mary Bennett OBE JP. At CMS we are praying for the family and friends of Joyce at this time of loss. Unfortunately, I did not know her but reading about her life I wished I had! She was inspirational. Her life seems to radiate the values of CMS – values that are evangelistic, faithful, relational and pioneering. She shared the good news about Jesus in very practical ways. She was faithful to God and to the people to whom God had called her to serve. 34 years in Hong Kong and then serving in St Martin in the Fields in London. She seemed very relational maintaining the unity of the spirit in the bond of peace. She was open and generous and treated everyone with respect and dignity.

She was definitely pioneering. CMS are developing a Pioneer course now to train people in developing new Christian communities and expressions of faith that serve the wider communities. We are aware that we have a long history of pioneers and we today sit on the shoulders of giants. Joyce going to Hong Kong in 1949, developing education and founding St Catherine’s Girl’s School was an expression of her pioneering spirit and her passion for education for all. She was a keen advocate for excellent girls education but also for all children and sought to improve educational provision for children with disabilities as well as address wider social and political issues. Within the church she became the first British woman priest in the Anglican Communion. At CMS we have a room commemorating Revd Florence Li Tim Oi but I think we need another one for Joyce Bennett! When Joyce returned to the UK she ministered amongst the Chinese congregation at St Martin in the Fields. CMS is still seeking to work amongst the diverse communities in Britain and to recognise the gift of the global church within our midst. Joyce had already pioneered the way and was a great example of being a cross- cultural person.

Her life continues to be an inspiration to many and I for one am committed to retell her story within the CMS mission community. A CMS member and priest here today said she gave Joyce’s autobiography “ This God Business” to one of our CMS educators and said “you must read this! You will find it inspirational.” Joyce was certainly in the God business and many felt she just radiated God’s Holy Spirit. I was praying for a verse I could share today about Joyce’s life and Mark 4:30-32 seems apt.

“Again he said, ”What say we say the kingdom of God is like, or what parable shall we use to describe it? It is like a mustard seed, which is the smallest seed you plant in the ground. Yet when planted, it grows and becomes the largest of all the garden plants, with such big branches that the birds of the air can perch in its shade.”

Joyce’s life was like that ordinary mustard seed which grew and blessed so many people in so many ways. We thank God for her life and praise our Father in Heaven.